Python Advance Course Current Status Not Enrolled Price Closed Get Started This course is currently closed Course Content Expand All Level 1 Module Regular Expression 10 Topics Expand Lesson Content 0% Complete 0/10 Steps What is Regular Expression Regular Expression Functions Metacharacters Special Sequences Programs for search, findall and match Programs for split Program for sub Program for retrieving all the words starting with letter ‘a’ Program for retrieving all the words starting with a digit Programs For Special Characters Multi-Threading 9 Topics Expand Lesson Content 0% Complete 0/9 Steps Creation without class Creation of a thread using subclass to Thread class Creating a thread without creating the sub class to Thread class Singletasking Multitasking Synchronization Deadlock Avoiding deadlocks Communication Projects 2 Topics Expand Lesson Content 0% Complete 0/2 Steps Railway Ticket Booking Room and Time Slot Allotment Level 1 assessment project 11 Topics Expand Lesson Content 0% Complete 0/11 Steps Create a program to retrieve all words having 4 characters in length. Create a program to retrieve all words having 4 and more characters in length. Create a program to retrieve all words having 3 or 4 characters in length. Create a program to retrieve all mobile numbers from a string. The format shuld be name: mobile, …… . Create a program to retrieve the date of birth from a string. The format should be name, age, and date of birth (dd-mm-yyyy). Create a program to retrieve only single digit from a string. Create a program to retrieve name and marks from a string. Create a program to retrieve timings either am or pm. Create a program to retrieve the Email-ids from a text file. Create a synchronization program where two threads are acting on the same method to allot a berth for passenger What is Daemon thread and write a program for it. Certificate in Advance Python Level 1 1 Quiz Expand Lesson Content Advance Python Level 1 Level 2 Introduction to TKinter Graphics Canvas 8 Topics Expand Lesson Content 0% Complete 0/8 Steps What is Canvas Line Creation Rectangle Creation Oval Creation Arc Creation Polygon Creation Text Creation Displaying Image Frame Label Buttons Layout Management Pack Layout Manager Grid Layout Manager Place Layout Manager Text box Entry Widget Check box Radio Buttons List box Level 2 assessment project 12 Topics Expand Lesson Content 0% Complete 0/12 Steps Create a program to create a home, bushes, some text, and display a moon image Write a program in Tkinter to add two numbers using labels, entry widgets, and button widgets. Write a program in Tkinter to print factorials using the label, entry widget, and button. Write a program for the sum of n natural numbers using the grid layout manager. Write a program in Tkinter to create and check the login password using the place layout manager. Write a program in Tkinter for the greatest among 3 numbers. Make it from the max() function and if-elif statement also. Write a program in Tkinter for calculating BMI. Write a program in Tkinter for calculating BMI with grade also. Write a program in Tkinter for the creation of a menu. Write a program for a simple calculator which can add, subtract, multiply, and divide two numbers. Create a program for checkboxes. It should display particular item is selected or not. e.g. car, computer, bike, and home. Create a program for radio buttons for selecting education level and marital status. 1 of 3