
  1. What is the CIA in cybersecurity?
  2. Write a short note on the threat.
  3. Write a short note on the vulnerability.
  4. What is the risk? Explain with an example.
  5. Write a short note on the rise of cybercrime.
  6. Why cybersecurity is important? Write a short note on it.
  7. What is a data breach? How you compromise your customer’s data due to inadequate cybersecurity?
  8. How your intellectual property or trade secrets at risk due to inadequate cybersecurity?  Write a short note on it.
  9. What is a PII breach? Write a short note on it.
  10. Write a short note on the healthcare data breach.
  11. How safeguards of company hardware help in the prevention of cyber-attacks?
  12.  Why use secure wi-fi, not public wi-fi? Write a short note on it.
  13. How VPN service is safe for using public wi-fi? Write a short note on it.