As your task is produce and create one or more interview videos of Grandma or Grandmas and upload your final content to the Grandma’s Story website. You will need to plan your project by breaking the task down into smaller manageable chunks or tasks.
Task 1:- Review all the tutorial videos and associated content on the website.
Task 2:- Team Roles – Form a group and divide up the roles. You will need a person each to work the Cameras and Audio. There is a lot to do on the Interview side as in planning, research, preparation and shooting the interview. The more people helping you on this section the easier the task will be. You will also want a person to do the editing of your video/s.
Task 3:- Who is Team Leader? – Start planning the project and assigning roles.
Task 4:- Who is Camera Person? – start learning about cameras and decide what equipment you need.
Task 5:- Who is the Audio person? – start learning about your recording equipment.
Task 6:- Who is the video editor? – download the video editing software and the project files, review the editing tutorials and put together a video of an interview from the project files.
Task 7:- As a team do a couple of practice interviews and review and reflect on your strengths and areas of improvement.
Task 8:- Who will do the interview, planning and research (never do an interview on your own always have somebody with you).
Once everybody has a role you can get to work and start the initial stages of the project. Start learning what you have to do.